Cloud of Cards Processing Library

Processing Library

Cloud of Cards Processing Library

Processing Library

Cloud of Cards Processing Library

Processing Library

Cloud of Cards Processing Library (B) consists of the unification of three different APIs dedicated to online file and folder manipulation and the development of a fourth additional API specific to the needs of the Cloud of Cards kit and the Inhabiting and Interfacing the Cloud(s) research project. The final overall package has been adapted to the development language Processing and linked to ownCloud open-source cloud software.


Additional behaviors have been included that can also be used with ownCloud (or Nextcloud), in both its server and clients. These additional functions are the result of implementing the findings of the design research process and of an ethnographic study about cloud user experience.


This new library written in Processing and linked to other open-source tools now makes it easier for a wider public to experiment, sketch and develop alternative interfaces and visual or physical applications for the cloud. It is of particular use to communities of designers and makers acquainted with Processing as a programming language.

1) Download and install ownCloud server and ownCloud client (you can also install the Nextcloud fork project which is very similar).


2) Download and install the Processing Development Environment (PDE).


3) Download and install Cloud of Cards Processing Library on Github and read the manual and instructions.


4) Link the Library to your Processing sketch, as explained above.


5) Develop your own alternative cloud projects, interfaces and/or behaviours.


6) You can also become the administrator of a distributed 5 Folders Cloud by installing the Cloud of Cards Processing Library addon on a Linux/ownCloud server.

Cloud of Cards Processing Library
Cloud of Cards Processing Library
Cloud of Cards Processing Library